Welcome to my little slice of the net!!! This is my place and I will make no apologies for the content. I wrote Waterfalls in three weeks at the urging of two of my dearest friends, Karen (Kaleigh) and Tommy (Cyrano69). We all met on the WBS Thirtysomething Terrace, Tommy and I well over a year ago, Karen and I close to a year ago. In her own right, Karen is a fantastic writer and her poem "Connections" was written for ME!!! *SETE* to accompany my story "Waterfalls". "Waterfalls" is my first story and as such it is the first one I have posted here. I LOVE this story, so I will listen to no complaints that it is too romantic, too long, mis-spelling, or whatever. For those of you closest to me who have the entire story, you will know that this is an abbreviated version and it will stay that way. For those who ask, YES, I am planning to have it published, I don't know when, where, how, etc. I hope you enjoy what is here and if you do, please feel free to e-mail me at tazpizza@hotmail.com.
My very special thanks to Karen and Tommy and of course my very fav Canuck, Gunther, the king of K.I.S.S. html!!! for their guidance thru this very strange world of html....Without their help, well....anyyyyyyyyyway...Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!! And THANKS to Jakebrake, for helping, pushing, shoving, encouraging this blonde along the way!!!
Speaking of friends, one very special man comes to mind...Björn...to you my Swedish friend and delight...here is your song Tears In Heaven ...may it bring warmth and cherished memories, NOT tears, those you love haven't forgotten you, please do not cry for them!!! They will remember your name when you meet in heaven darlin, how could they forget such a loving man??? May your dreams come true...follow your heart, it will NEVER let you down.
And now..."Connections" By Kaleigh
A dream for which I have much affection
Will follow me through all my tomorrows.
It fills me with endless joys and sorrows,
And is mirrored in my life's reflection.
In dreams I often feel his warm embrace.
In sleep he comes to me ever gentle.
Throughout the years I've sometimes seen his face
and heard his voice speak words sentimental.
He seeps into my being with such ease;
Too many things unite, in visions these
I know that it's not coincidental.
To meet, I know we'll never get the chance.
Perhaps another time, another place
We'll take the time to give ourselves that dance.
Copyright May 1997 by Kaleigh
As promised, Ben's Story is HERE!!! This story was written for a very special man. You my friend are the reason the story was written!!! It is a very special story, as I have been assured MANY TIMES!!! A boy and a horse...what more could you want, guys??? ENJOY!!!!
Okay...for those of you who have asked...WHAT'S NEXT??? Here ya go..Bethany's Story...an off-shoot of Ben's, but in actually it takes place BEFORE Ben comes into her life. David, my sweet darlin friend, thank you from the bottom of my widdle bitty heart, if not for YOU I would NEVER have finished it!!! *HUMONGOUS TAZZY HUGZ & SMOOCHES* Now, my darlin friend, you OWE me a story...*hint* *hint* *hint*
If by chance you want to know more about me or some of my many wonderful friends...Check out my page on WBS...
Many thanks to Geocities for allowing me to mess around in their little piece of cyberspace..Click here to become a homesteader.. Geocities.com